Health and Safety


The ultimate responsibility of the Policy rests with the Management of Glassar Projects.

The Company recognizes that the talent and energy of its employees are its most valuable assets.

The Company recognizes that it has a responsibility to prevent accidents causing injury, damage to health and damage to the environment.

The Company Occupational Health and Safety and Hygiene Policy states the following:

It is the policy of Glassar Projectsglas to promote and support Health and Safety and industrial hygiene and to manage it in a manner that seeks to eliminate occupational injuries and illnesses.

The intent of this policy is to:

  1. Appropriate resources to develop programmes to prevent accidents, injuries and illnesses.
  2. A workplace that conforms to local laws and regulations governing occupational safety and health.

In support of this Corporate Policy, we at Glassar electrical and construction will strive to achieve excellence in all matters relating to Health and Safety. In this respect, Glassar electrical and construction Safety Policy will require all employees to:

  1. Comply with company and statutory requirements.
  2. Safeguarding the health, safety and welfare of themselves and their colleagues whilst at work.

Every effort will be made to provide and maintain a safe, healthy and efficient working environment for all employees. To achieve this, the active Cooperation of all employees is essential so that accidents and damage to their individual health and that of others are avoided. The Policy may change with the Company and with legislation. To achieve this, the Safety Arrangements Section will be developed and amended over time involving due consultation and communication between the management and its employees.

This Glassar electrical and construction Health and Safety Policy are, therefore, issued to all employees on the understanding that it adheres to the Company Policy.


Our employees are of paramount importance.

The safety and health of employees demand the same degree of attention and emphasis as that placed on our mainstream activity which encompasses quality, proficiency, and efficiency, environmental and financial awareness. We also recognize our responsibilities for the health and safety of others that may be affected by our activities. It is our aim to achieve a working environment, which is free of work-related accidents and ill health, and to this end we will pursue continuous improvements from year to year.

We undertake to discharge our statutory duties by:

  1. Hazards in the workplace, assessing the risks related to them and implementing appropriate preventive and protective measures.
  2. Maintaining safe plant and work equipment.
  3. Enforcing safe methods of work.
  4. Appointing personnel who have the skills, abilities and competence commensurate with their role and level of responsibility.
  5. Tasks given to employees are within their skills, knowledge and the ability to perform.
  6. Technical competence is maintained through the provision of refresher training as appropriate.
  7. Awareness of Health and Safety and of good practice through the effective communication of the relevant information.
  8. The resources needed to meet these objectives.

All employees on their part, are encouraged to contribute actively towards achieving a work environment, which is free of accidents and ill health.

Our Health and Safety Policy will be reviewed annually to monitor its effectiveness and to ensure that it reflects changing needs and circumstances.


Together with the statutory regulations and the Company Safety Procedure, the document is reasonably comprehensive, but realizes that factory conditions are changing all the time.

Finally, you are requested, with the ever changing conditions, to maintain a continued attitude of accident prevention.

REMEMBER: Accidents are caused – they do not just happen.


The overall responsibility for the promotion of Health and Safety of employees at work is vested in the Senior Management of Glassar Projects.

Due to the nature of the business carried out by Glassar Projects, it is the responsibility of the senior person on site to promote Health and Safety at work and ensure that working practices are in accordance with statutory requirements and the Company Policy.

The Company employ Safety Advisors,, who will ensure, through the management, that all Subordinates understand and follow any further safety procedures inaugurated by Glassar Projects for any additions to the statutory regulations.

The Employees’ responsibility in this objective is to:

  1. With all safety procedures and controls as dictated by Glassar Projects when at work, thus procedures and controls.
  2. Dictated by the management so long as these are not in detriment to the law.
  3. Reasonable care is taken for the well-being, health and safety of themselves and any other persons likely to be affected by their.
  4. Actions whilst working for Glassar Projects.
  5. Utilise and respect all the safety devices and protective equipment provided to ensure the safety or personnel.
  6. Abide by the Company Policy in order to maintain safe working conditions.
  7. Report incidents that could lead to injury.
  8. Co-operate fully in the investigation of incidents to ensure that these incidents do not recur.

The Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 (P.U.W.E.R)

This concerns the safe use of work equipment and systems.
e.g. suitability of equipment – assessment of risk; provision of protection and preventative measures.

The Manual Handling Operation Regulation

This Regulation requires employers to assess manual handling on site and within their work place, take an ergonomic approach and, where possible, change the nature of any task or provide mechanical aids in order to reduce or lighten the manual handling of loads.

The Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations

This Regulation clearly states that Personal Protective Equipment should only be used when risks cannot be avoided or sufficiently reduced by other preventive measures or through work re-organisation.

The Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulation

The Regulation takes into account the amount of time a person uses a display screen, describes what a proper display screen work station is and considers other factors such as the working environment, eye sight testing and correction.


Safety Training

Health, Safety and Welfare form an integral part of induction and job training to ensure that all employees are aware of the Company’s General Safety Requirements, their responsibilities regarding safety to themselves and to others who may be affected by their actions or omissions. Specific Safety Training and Information and the use of Safe Systems of Work will also be provided where appropriate.


All emergency procedures resulting in the possibility of evacuation will be under the control of the advice of the Senior Management.

In order to avoid fires during silent hours:

  1. All combustible materials carefully away.
  2. All waste paper etc. in bins provided.
  3. The ‘No Smoking’ signs displayed.
  4. All clothing, paper, etc. from close proximity of heaters.
  1. Off all electrical appliances.
  2. Ensure,case of fire, you know all fire exits and also the location and use of all fire-fighting equipment.

Accident Reporting

All accidents, no matter how minor an injury may be, must be recorded in the accident book, kept in the office. An appropriate investigation will be carried out by the Glassar Projects Management. The decision on whether there is a follow-up investigation will be dependent on the seriousness of the accident, the circumstances and the decision of the Senior Management.

Occupational Health

Where necessary, health surveillance and records will be undertaken under the control of the management.

Safe Systems of Work and Practices

Safe Systems of Work and Practices take into account all the necessary and relevant statutory obligations, codes of practice and H S E guidelines that concern our business operatives. It is the duty of employees to carry out their task in the prescribed way as directed.

Risk Assessments

This concerns the examination of work activities where there is thought to be a hazard, followed by systematic assessment of the hazard in order to determine the degree of risk. Upon the establishment of the risk, preventative measures are identified which are then introduced, maintained and periodically revised within our safe systems of work.

Environmental Control

Control and disposal of waste will be under the general control of the Management.

Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH): Assessments and all Data Sheets are kept on record in the office. No employee can introduce any substance without the consent of the Glassar electrical and construction Management.

Electricity at Work Regulations: Work on any electrical systems, may only be undertaken by suitably trained and authorised persons nominated by Glassar Projects Management.

Building and Associated Workplaces

To be provided controlled, maintained and used in such a way as to comply with all statutory requirements. The management and supervisors are responsible for the correct use, together with the expected cooperation of all employees.


  1. To the Company safety procedures
  2. All personal protective equipment needed for each job
  3. All unsafe conditions to the Management
  4. Heed all warning and danger notices
  5. Floors, passages and stairs clear of obstacles and litter etc.
  6. Portable electrical equipment to be sensibly positioned to avoid “tripping”
  7. Under the Health and Safety at Work Act – horseplay is an offence – do not indulge in this irresponsible activity


The Environmental Policy of Glassar Projects  is to ensure, so far as it is reasonably practicable, that its operations will be carried out with a commitment to protecting and enhancing the environment. The same commitment will be expected to be shown by Company contractors. This is a fundamental principle of the Company’s business.

The Policy and all other Company environmental documentation and advice is based on the Company’s view that environmental concern has equal stature to any other business objective. The Company aims to establish a high priority of its principles in the corporate strategy. The Company therefore seeks to comply with all relevant environmental legislation and regulation. It also aims to establish higher standards of environmental performance where these are practicable and appropriate.

Concern and awareness for the environment is the responsibility of the Management of Glassar Projects . The Company employees have a legal and moral obligation to carry out their duties with concern for the environment. It is a condition of employment that all staff comply with the Policy.

In the event of an environmental accident or an incident at work, it is a company requirement that the details are promptly and properly reported to the Management, who will investigate and take prompt action to make good and avoid recurrence.

All contractors working on behalf of the Company are required to adopt environmental standards fully consistent with those of the Company and they are expected to achieve comparable levels of performance as a condition of their contract.


In accordance with its stated Policy, the Company has produced the following guidelines as a sound framework for the introduction of practices to implement it. The key elements of these objectives are:

  1. With Government Legislation and Local Government Regulations.
  2. Response to accidents or incidents that have a potential to threaten the environment.
  3. Provision of advice on the safe handling of company products, or their transportation and their final disposal to customers, contractors, e.t.c.
  4. Dispose of any waste products in ways that show concern for the environment.
  5. Encourage the development of products, processes and equipment with concern for the future of the environment.
  6. Communicate freely on environmental matters with government officials, employees, customers and members of the public.
  7. Provision of training for all employees as appropriate to enable them to carry out their job functions in a manner that shows care for the environment.
  8. Carry out environmental audits when required.
  9. Promote environmental principles by sharing experience with regulatory bodies, other companies, employees and members of the public.
  1. Implementing this formal Environmental Policy, the Company will focus on action to conserve resources and energy, to minimise emission to air, water and land and increase recycling rates.
  2. Company will also seek to influence legislative developments and improve public understanding of environmental matters concerning the business.




As an employee, you have legal duties too. They include:

  1. Reasonable care for your own Health and Safety and that of others who may be affected by what you do or do not do;
  2. Cooperating with your employer on Health and Safety;
  3. Using work items provided by your employer, including personal protective equipment, in accordance with training or instruction; and
  4. Interfering with or misusing anything provided for your health, safety or welfare